Service & Worship
Inspired by Bahá’u’lláh’s vision for humanity, the Bahá’í community is labouring to establish a pattern of life that is both materially and spiritually prosperous – regulated by the principles of worship of God and service to humanity. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá tells us to, “strive that your actions day by day may be beautiful prayers. Turn towards God, and seek always to do that which is right and noble. Enrich the poor, raise the fallen, comfort the sorrowful, bring healing to the sick, reassure the fearful, rescue the oppressed, bring hope to the hopeless, shelter the destitute!”.

The habits of daily prayer and reading from the Holy Writings enable the individual, the community and institutions to draw on the spiritual energies necessary in their efforts to cultivate capacity for service including the spiritual education of children, empowerment of the youth, education of young generations and the social and economic advancement of society.
These inseparable principles of worship and service find their full expression in the institution of the House of Worship also known as the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár which is translated as the dawning place of the remembrance of God. As a centre of community life and collective worship open to all inhabitants of a locality including children and youth, women and men and irrespective of their religious affiliation, background or ethnicity, the House of Worship serves to strengthen bonds of unity and cordial affection.